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What is AlertDriver?
The AlertDriver course is a modern, scientifically-based program that addresses the leading cause of motor vehicle crashes today: inattention. AlertDriver has been a highly successful program in NC District Court 15b over the last 2 ½ years and now many courts are starting to accept driver education to reduce misdemeanor traffic offenses.

AlertDriver has evolved over our decades of work with NIH, NCSHP, police officers, truck drivers, school bus drivers and other professional driving groups. The on-line course offers easy-to-use skills that people can put into practice immediately. The skills last a lifetime. We recommend our course for minor traffic citations, such as speeding or running a stop signal. We do not recommend AlertDriver for any drinking and driving charges.

Our clients are the first driver education customers in the U.S. to receive personalized feedback about their attitudes towards distracted and aggressive driving. The AlertDriver model for education is based on scientific research which shows that belief and attitude change can lead to positive behavior change on the highway, making roads safer in your community. No other driver education program has the extensive norms or technology to offer this service.

AlertDriver clients will also be exposed to our new on-line video slide show, “The 2 Second Rule”, illustrating the latest research on driver inattention. You can try the show free. Our court-referred clients are giving the new program rave reviews.

Thank you for continuing to improve traffic safety in North Carolina.

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