White Paper
White Paper 6: Student Reviews and Evaluation of a New Interactive Online Driver Education Course
At the end of instruction, the students were asked to rate the perceived impact the course had on their driving and safety along fifteen dimensions. The impact was rated with 7 point scales (1=not at all, 4=somewhat, 7=very much). The average for all 50 students along all dimensions was 6.50 on the 7 point scale. Figure 1 shows the mean ratings for each of the 15 items.

Figure 1: Post-course mean student ratings of impact of course on driving dimensions.

Forty-six of the 50 students claimed that the course improved their overall safety on the road (ratings of 5, 6 or 7). Since some of our students do not see themselves as aggressive drivers, these dimensions are less likely to change. The correlation of individual mean ratings with age was r=.06 (n.s.), indicating that the course was equally acceptable to drivers at all age levels.

Drivers of all ages who take the AlertDriver course are safety conscious and willing to discuss safety issues with other drivers online. The enthusiasm and reviews are evidence that interactive online driver education can make a difference in how people drive. The drivers in this sample were extremely receptive to the varying techniques used in the online training.

If you wish to sign up your company, school, organization, or court for an AlertDriver course, please contact Devon Mills at 919.408.0745, or send an email to dmills@intrex.net. The AlertDriver Fleet program is designed for groups: commercial drivers, school bus drivers and teens. The sponsor can specify how the data are set up and how the chat is processed. Group discounts apply.